Database Management & Hosting

We host and manage databases for a number of clients, including retailers, charities and list brokers, with sizes ranging from a few thousand contact records to several million. Thus freeing them to focus on their core function.

Our hosted databases are kept secure on our premises in the UK, with access restricted to select staff. Backups are performed daily, with additional backups being carried out immediately prior to any significant data processing work that our clients request.

Benefits of our Database Management Services

Our standard answer is ‘Yes’. The question from our client might be, ‘can you identify my customers that meet these complex criteria, and then prepare a mailing list of those customers and have it to us by the end of the week? Or the question might be, ‘can you take this collection of files, in multiple different formats, and cleanse the data then use it to update my database with the latest order data?

Data is a valuable asset. To look after it correctly and safely can be very costly. Hardware infrastructure needs to be purchased and maintained. Database administrators are needed to look after the data, while analysts glean insights from it.

We fulfil the role of IT team for many of our clients by managing their database at every stage, including initial build as well as ongoing maintenance.

Our database hosting and management service includes:

Database management service including Boardroom

A Tailored solution to meet your specific needs

We host and manage databases for numerous clients in several different industries. Each one has different requirements as each have their own working practices and policies. Each managed solution is bespoke to meet the client’s exact needs.

Why not contact us to discuss your specific requirements and to see if we can save you time and money with your database management.